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Monday, March 2, 2020

Why we use C++

Why we use C++?

Applications: used to develop a new graphic user interface (GUI) like adobe photoshop. Many adobe applications are developed in c++ like illustrator.
Games: also used to develop games. Commonly used in 3D games. Helps optimizing resources.C++ is very fast because it is used in developing different games.
Hardware: used to control hardware.
Web Browser: used for developing web browsers like google chrome, firefox.
Media Player: used for creating a media player.
Compilers: Many compilers written in c++.Compilers that are used for compiling other programming languages like java, python.
Operating Systems, Windows 95,98,2000, XP, Office, Internet explorer and visual studio, Symbian mobile operating systems are written in c++.
potability:C++ offers the feature of platform-independent which allows users to run the same program on different operating systems.
Object-Oriented: The main feature of c++ is that it is object-oriented, It includes concepts like classes, inheritance, encapsulation, a polymorphism that allows user to reuse code and makes program reliable.
Low-Level-Manipulation: Since c++ is associated with c language,c language is a procedural language that means related to machine language.C++ allows low-level manipulation of data.

Watch Video for More Details about Why we use C++? 

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